How To Get Your AC Ready For Summer | Florida AC Experts

How to Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer?

Melbourne, Florida, is one of the hottest in America, with scorching summer temperatures and humidity all year round.

Winters in the state aren’t too different from the rest of the year, with occasional cool winds blowing through.

If your air conditioner isn’t well-maintained, you might not have anything to save you from the sweltering summer heat.

Intensely humid air and heat can overwhelm any air conditioner. Just like getting a few workouts in before summertime, your air conditioning unit will need some prep before facing a Floridian summer.

You might be reluctant to spend on routine HVAC services, but reliable technicians serve in the Melbourne area. Remember, the regular maintenance of air conditioning systems can also help you save money, especially during summer!

How Your Air Conditioning System Can Keep You Cool for the Summer

An air conditioning system conditions warm air from the outdoors and extracts the ambient heat from indoors.

In other words, the outdoor unit (condenser) absorbs hot air outdoors, cools, and cleans it before distributing indoors. Any heat within your home is taken by indoor air handlers and transmitted to the condenser to be expelled outdoors.

The process of conditioning air requires various components working simultaneously, and even just one faltering can send the entire operation into discourse.

A poorly maintained air conditioner can have air filters overflowing with harmful contaminants or a refrigerant leak, freezing coils and disrupting its abilities to cool your home.

The correct installation of a new air conditioner plays an equally large role in determining the overall performance of your AC system. Even the slightest degree off your air conditioning system is more prone to leaking and short-circuiting.

Still, routine maintenance services can prevent these factors from hindering your air conditioner. All minor and major flaws in the design can be uncovered and managed more quickly during a routine check-up before they cause any permanent damage. Remember, maintenance services include air conditioning repair.

Here are some procedures involved in air conditioning maintenance.

How to Properly Maintain Your Air Conditioner

We don’t suggest you maintain them yourself. However, there are ways you can ensure they can maintain themselves by following these steps.

  • Ensure proper AC installation

    As we have mentioned, make sure your air conditioner is installed properly. Ensure it is properly placed away from direct sunlight, permanent fixtures that may hinder airflow, and away from dust-gathering materials such as curtains. You should also keep air handlers and condensers away from water exposure.

  • Clean any accessible air filters.

    Some air conditioners come with air filters that are easily accessible, and you can detach them from air handlers. They may look like tight black screens atop the indoor unit. They prevent ambient dust particles and larger contaminants like pet dander from penetrating the unit’s internal systems.To clean at home: Step 1: Take these filters out. Step 2: Soak them in a mixture of one part water and one part vinegar for an hour. Step 3: Rinse them with clean water. Step 4: Wipe them with a gentle microfiber cloth. Step 5: Leave them to dry before placing them back onto the air handler.

  • Prevent congestion and maintain indoor air quality by deploying natural and mechanical ventilation systems.

    When your air conditioner is off, open doors and windows to let prevent contaminants from building up in enclosed spaces and promote airflow, abundant air exchange will also help keep temperatures cooler due to constant air movement. On a side note, don’t forget to clean the filters of your mechanical ventilation systems as well.

  • Schedule routine maintenance by professional air conditioning services

    Other than those listed above, the best thing you can do for your air conditioner is to entrust its care to professional HVAC technicians. Keep in mind that preventive maintenance is more helpful than an AC repair that might already be too late to remedy problems.

How Do You Know if an Air Conditioner is Poorly Maintained?

There are lots of warning signs you should be on the lookout for when it comes to heating and cooling systems.

They are designed to give off signals when they are in need of a particular service. Digital remote controllers often hold the key.

Some air conditioners come with smart systems you can hook up to your Smart Device, and notifications will come up when your air conditioning system is in need of service.

However, traditional HVAC systems don’t possess the same advanced technology, and you will have to figure it out along the way. While you can wait for warning signals to arise, you can also ensure you forgo encountering them by hiring a routine maintenance service.

Your AC System and Its Warning Signals

It’s time to call professional services when you encounter or experience any one of these unusual behaviors coming from air conditioning systems.

Strange Sounds?

Typically, homeowners report buzzing, bubbling, banging, and dripping.


These sounds are signs of electrical issues that involve your AC unit’s wiring. For your safety, don’t attempt to dismantle and inspect your HVAC system. Leave it to the experts to figure out any issues.

Bubbling and dripping

These sounds are related to the liquids contained within your heating and cooling system. Leaks may occur from abrasions on air filters, refrigerant tubes, and built-up moisture lingering in blowers and coils. These issues can’t be easily remedied and require professional attention immediately.


These unbearable noises indicate loose parts that may have been dislodged by high-pressure air built up internally. Additionally, blowers that overcompensate for other components may cycle at thrice their regular speed, which may cause them to come loose and cause more damage than smaller parts banging around.

Cycling Off?

As mentioned, there are instances when your air conditioning system fails to cool your home, and some causes are related to the sounds listed above. Sometimes your AC unit shuts down on its own or remains ON but no longer produces any cooling effects.

Refrigerant leaks can freeze your system’s coils and trick your AC into thinking the desired temperatures have been reached and no longer requires any conditioning. As a result, your air conditioning system may be on, but its blowers and motors no longer serve their designated functions.

Alternatively, wires may be short-circuiting and hindering the delivery of power into various components and effectively shut themselves down. These issues may also cause a surge in your energy bills.

Energy efficiency can only be achieved when all components work in harmony, with none overcompensating for another.

Can’t Cool Your Home?

We already know a new AC installation can cause faults and flaws that prevent heating and cooling systems from sufficiently cooling your home. However, an air conditioning system inadequately cooling your home can also be due to a capacity deficiency. Yes! There’s such a thing. One AC can’t cool an entire home on its own. Different zones require different units. Otherwise, you cause deficiencies your AC unit’s components will have to compensate for and lead to unnecessary energy consumption.

Problems That Need Professional Air Conditioning Repair

It may seem hasty, but trust us when we say any problems you encounter with your air conditioning unit are best to be checked by professional technicians. Engineers or electricians who specialize in different air conditioning units can accurately distinguish problems and help resolve them more efficiently.

Don’t forget to schedule routine check-ups. A tune-up service may lead to an AC repair that has been a long time coming for your HVAC unit. Some of these problems are irreparable to regular electricians and might cause more extensive damage to your air conditioning. Don’t just call anyone. Reach out to reliable providers for AC services in Melbourne, Florida.

An AC service isn’t a privilege. In fact, it is considered a civic duty to maintain heating and cooling systems regularly to maintain good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), as advised by the United States government.

Yes, there are laws and local ordinances you must observe regarding your heating and cooling systems. You should familiarize yourself with them. Learn more about them here.

Who to Call for Reliable Installations, Repairs, and Maintenance

Luckily, those in Florida can count on a local reliable AC service provider! Folks in Central Florida can always count on Mac 5’s extremely satisfactory customer service. The prominent company’s technicians serving Melbourne, Florida, are some of the best anywhere in the United States. Whether you need an expert service conducted on your Melbourne home or business, Mac 5 has everything for you.

Mac 5 Services

Mac 5 has provided Melbourne, FL, and its surrounding areas with plumbing, cooling, electric, heating, and drain services for over twenty-five years! The company isn’t all about installing and repairing your air conditioning units. They guarantee quality service for any job you need to be done.

CONTACT the team today at 321-244-7500

Reach out online by booking an appointment on the website or learning more about Mac 5’s extensive suite of services.

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